There are five 30 minute lessons for children in Grades 1 to 4.
This is when the key home fire safety messages of the School Fire Education Program are delivered and reinforced.
The messages are the same for both age groups.
To make the lessons age-appropriate and engaging, there are different classroom activities and activity books.
Key messages include:
In an emergency
- Firefighters are your friends
- Dial 000
Staying safe
- If there’s smoke – get out and stay out
- Crawl low in smoke
- Call out as you crawl out
- Don’t hide, shout Fire Fire
- Two metres from the heater
- Cool a burn
- Stop, drop, rock and roll
Home escape plans
- Make an evacuation plan and practise it with everyone in your house
- Two ways out (of each room)
- Safe meeting place
- When you’re out – stay out
Smoke alarms
- Every house needs working smoke alarms
- Locations of smoke alarms (sleeping areas and paths to exits)
- Help the grown-ups in your house to check the smoke alarms
During the primary school years children become more independent and exercise more control in their environment.
Parents and caregivers are still the best people to make sure that children are safe from fire.
At the end of the program the activity book can be taken home, and we encourage other members of the family to participate in the activities to ensure that their home is fire safe.
These example resources are used and distributed in Grade 1 to 4 classrooms by the School Fire Educators.
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