This website includes information about the program you may find useful.
It also includes additional resources such as:
- Reliable information about emergency management research, policy and service delivery
- Teaching resources
- Games and activities for children
- Resources for parents
- Information about behavioural issues such as firelighting and recovery after a natural disaster
- An on-line order form for TFS resources.
TFS delivers a home fire safety education program in Tasmanian primary schools, which reflects the increased risks for this group.
An understanding of bushfire is also important for all Australians, along with the other natural hazards such as floods, cyclones and earthquakes.
The topic of natural hazards or disasters is often of great interest to students, and fits well with upper primary and secondary geography and science curricula.
Related pages

Home Fire Safety (HFS)
Protect what you value. Knowing what to do in a house fire and how to keep your home fire safe...

Bushfire Safety
This page offers you quick access to downloadable Bushfire Safety publications that are developed...

Online Ordering
Free Tasmania Fire Service giveaways and publications.